Taste Safe Play Dough

I’ve been dying to let Sofie play with play dough but she just puts everything in her mouth! So finally I found a recipe for some taste safe play dough to try.

  • 3 Jumbo Marshmallows (or 6 large ones)

  • 1/4 of corn starch

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

Mix marshmallows corn starch and oil in a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Stir in with food coloring and kneed!


Mess Free Finger Painting

Today for our arts and crafts activity we did a little painting. Because Sofie’s only 1, I wanted to do this mess free to keep the house clean for once. So I opted for the painting inside a plastic bag instead of finger pairing today. I think her little master piece came out great! Plus it was super simple to set up and clean up. The only problem we ran into was Sofie wanting to bite the plastic bag facepalm.


Valentine’s Day Activity - Love Machine

So I was searching all around for a great Valentines Day activity for Sofie and then staring at the empty shipping box on the calendar it hit me! I could use bobs and buttons and containers around the house to make her a little activity sensory center. Then I decided to call it the little love machine!


If you want to recreate this one, here are the materials I used. But really you can find empty containers for just about anything! It was so fun just rummaging around the house to see what we could find.

  • Happiest baby food pouch

  • Happiest baby snacks lid

  • Honest company wipes lid

  • Jar of jam lid

  • Red and Pink ribbon

  • A small box

  • A medium sized box

  • Velcro Patches


Sofie was so excited when we were just getting started. She loves turning the nobs on the Love Machine! I made these by poking a hole in the box and then inserting an empty baby food patch through the inside. Make sure you poke it all the way through so that the lid will screw on completely. She absolutely loves taking these on and off and over and over again.


I added some snacks to the little cubby to encourage her not to eat the parts of the machine itself. It definitely kept her little mouth occupied while her mind was busy playing with all of the nobs and buttons.


I started out by letter her play with it in her high chair, but the box was a little bit too big for her to really play with everything. So then we moved down to the floor.


How perfect are these little wipe container tops! I know you can make these peek-a-boo lids into a great activity. I had some photos recently printed so I just grabbed those, cut them out, and put them in behind. A little hot glue and voila! She kept trying to feed the photo of Milo but giving him snacks and then closing the lid. It was hysterical!


This little Valentine’s Day Love Machine activity turned out to be the perfect size! Sofie was able to carry the box around the room, pick it up, set it down and keep playing.


More Valentine’s Day Activities

Looking for more fun Valentine’s Day Activities or Gifts? Check out these best-selling games and coloring PostCards.