Rainbow Melting crayons

Another great rainbow activity to share today. Sofie did this one at her preschool and we thought it’d be fun to do again at home. Such a great way to use up old or broken crayons. And an awesome way to create homemade art for your rainbow themed playroom. Plus all you need is some crayons of various colors, an art board for painting (or really anything stiff like cardboard with paper glued on top, and some hot glue


  • Line up the crayons in rainbow colored order (or if you prefer a nice ombré would look great too!)

  • Put a strip of hot glue between each crayon to keep them together and fixed to the board

  • Use an easel or a stand to make sure the art is vertical so that as the crayons melt they drip down

  • Take a hairdryer and blow the crayons with heat to melt them down. This could take a while depending on the strength of your hairdryer.