I’ve seen so much gorgeous Pinterest inspiration this Easter and I just had to try making my own Bunny Bait! I was so nervous to make this because I thought popcorn and candy melts would be so much work and too much mess for a 2. year old. But it turns out this was super simple and easy to make.
Easter Bunny Bait
Step 1: Pop a bag of popcorn: I used Skinny Pop because I love how buttery and salty it tastes while still being low calorie
Step 2: Use white Candy Melts and separate about a 1/4 cup into 3 small ramekins
Step 3: Pop the ramekins in the microwave for about 1min 30sec or 2min. They should start to look melted!
Step 4: Stir up the melted chocolate until it’s smooth. Add more time in the microwave if needed.
Step 5: Drop a few drops of pastel food color into each bowl. I used pink, orange, and green.
Step 6: Pour the candy melts over the popcorn and mix with a spoon or your hands until the popcorn is covered.
Step 7: Let it set out to dry! Then add sprinkles, marshmallows, bunny grahams, pastel M&M’s and any other sweet treats you desire!
If you want to send this as a treat for your kids classroom or friends at the park, simply bag it up in ziploc baggies or clear cellophane 5x7 Bags and use this printable DIY Easter Kit for these adorable labels.