The Importance of Learning about Emotions in Early Toddlerhood

Unlocking the Power of Emotions for Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

As parents, we're constantly striving to provide the best opportunities for our children's growth and development. While we focus on cognitive and physical milestones, it's equally crucial to nurture their emotional intelligence from an early age. In fact, understanding emotions and learning how to name them can have a profound impact on a child's emotional development. By introducing an emotions match game, featuring a variety of cards to help children learn about different emotions, we can provide a valuable tool for our little ones to tame their feelings and navigate through life's ups and downs.

Why Teach Emotions to Toddlers?

Emotions play a vital role in our daily lives, influencing our behavior, decision-making, and relationships. When toddlers learn how to recognize and express their feelings appropriately, they gain essential skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Here's why teaching emotions in early toddlerhood is so beneficial:
1. Emotional Regulation: By learning to identify and name their emotions, toddlers develop skills to regulate and manage their feelings effectively. This empowers them to express their emotions in constructive ways rather than resorting to tantrums or meltdowns.
2. Social Interaction: Understanding emotions enhances communication and empathy, enabling toddlers to build better connections with their peers and caregivers. They become more understanding of others' feelings and can express empathy and support.
3. Self-Awareness: Learning emotions cultivates self-awareness in toddlers. By recognizing their own feelings, they gain insight into personal preferences, needs, and boundaries. This helps foster healthy self-esteem and a positive self-image.
4. Language Development: Teaching emotions involves introducing new vocabulary related to different feelings and expressions. This strengthens their language skills and expands their communication abilities, allowing toddlers to express themselves more articulately.

Introducing the My Emotions Match Game Cards

The My Emotions Match Game Cards are an interactive and engaging tool designed to help toddlers learn an array of emotions while having fun. Each card features a colorful illustration representing emotions such as happiness, sadness, confusion, anger, boredom, worry, excitement, and embarrassment. Alongside the cards, resin pieces are provided, allowing children to create various facial expressions to explore emotions further.

The Sensory Activity Setup

The sensory activity setup accompanying the My Emotions Match Game Cards is designed to stimulate multiple senses and enhance the learning experience. Here's what you can include:
1. Colorful Display: Arrange the cards in a visually appealing manner, ensuring the emotions are clearly portrayed through the illustrations. Use bright colors to captivate your toddler's attention.
2. Textures and Shapes: Incorporate different textures and shapes by attaching the resin pieces to the card using Velcro or adhesive. This tactile aspect adds a hands-on element, encouraging sensorial exploration.
3. Mirror Reflection: Place a child-safe mirror nearby to allow toddlers to observe and match their own facial expressions. Seeing their emotions represented visually promotes self-identification and comprehension.
4. Verbal Interaction: Engage your toddler in conversation while exploring the emotions match game. Ask them how they feel and encourage them to name the emotion depicted on each card. This verbal interaction strengthens their emotional vocabulary.

The Benefits of the My Emotions Match Game Cards

Introducing the My Emotions Match Game Cards into your child's daily routine can lead to numerous benefits:
1. Emotional Vocabulary: Through repeated exposure to the game cards, toddlers expand their emotional vocabulary, enabling them to express their feelings accurately and confidently.
2. Emotional Identification: As children engage with the game, they develop the ability to identify and label their emotions. This skill promotes self-awareness and empowers them to seek appropriate ways to regulate their feelings.
3. Empathy and Understanding: By exploring a wide range of emotions, toddlers become more empathetic and understanding towards others. They develop the skills to recognize and respect the emotional states of their peers and caregivers.
4. Conflict Resolution: Understanding emotions is fundamental in conflict resolution. As toddlers learn to identify their own emotions, they also gain insight into the feelings of those around them, enhancing their ability to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and considerate manner.

By investing in the emotional development of your toddler through the My Emotions Match Game Cards, you are laying a strong foundation for their future well-being and success in navigating the complexities of the human experience.
In conclusion, learning about emotions in early toddlerhood is crucial for your child's emotional intelligence. The My Emotions Match Game provides an interactive and sensory-rich activity to help toddlers learn and name an array of emotions. By exploring emotions through this playful activity, your child can develop the skills to tame their feelings, communicate effectively, and navigate the world with confidence and empathy.

Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Chalk Art for Kids: A Colorful Journey


Chalk art is a marvelous way to encourage creativity and imagination in children while allowing them to connect with the great outdoors. In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of outdoor chalk art and explore the numerous benefits it offers for children. We'll also showcase some impressive chalk murals created by an incredibly talented young artist – my daughter.

1. Mosaic Design:

One particular masterpiece my daughter crafted was a stunning mosaic design. Using painters tape to section off different spaces, she skillfully filled them with an array of vibrant chalk colors. This technique not only allows children to experiment with shapes and patterns but also enhances their focus and attention to detail. Through the process of creating a mosaic design, children can develop their fine motor skills while expressing their artistic flair.

2. Balloons:

Another delightful creation by my daughter was a whimsical balloon mural. By lying down with the balloons and capturing a photo from above, it appears as though she's soaring through the sky. This unique perspective not only adds an element of fun but also encourages children to think outside the box and explore different angles. Moreover, such interactive art pieces can spark imagination and storytelling, allowing children to envision themselves in exciting scenarios.

3. Ladder to the Moon:

For my daughter's next work of art, she created a captivating mural featuring a ladder reaching towards the moon. By having the child lay face down, it creates an illusion of them reaching for the stars. This mural not only ignites children's fascination with space and astronomy but also encourages them to dream big. By engaging in such imaginative play, kids can develop their cognitive and problem-solving skills while exercising their physical coordination.

4. Umbrella and Rainboots:

Last but not least, my daughter crafted a delightful mural showcasing an umbrella and rainboots. By having the child lay on the ground and hold the umbrella, it creates an illusion of them splashing through water. This particular artwork not only encourages children to experiment with perspective but also allows them to connect with nature. By incorporating elements from their surroundings, kids can develop an appreciation for the environment while enhancing their artistic abilities.

Benefits of Chalk Art Outdoors for Kids:

Beyond the remarkable murals created by my daughter, outdoor chalk art provides several noteworthy benefits for children.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Chalk art offers endless possibilities for children to explore their imagination and unleash their creativity. With the freedom to experiment and express themselves, kids can develop their own unique artistic style.

  • Motor Skills Development: Engaging in chalk art outdoors requires children to engage their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Through using different strokes, blending colors, and filling in large spaces, children develop their dexterity and motor control.

  • Physical Activity: By actively engaging in chalk art outdoors, kids have the opportunity to combine artistic expression with physical activity. From drawing on the ground to positioning their bodies for unique perspectives, children can enjoy the benefits of both art and exercise.

  • Connection with Nature: Outdoor chalk art extends the child's learning beyond paper and screens. Being surrounded by nature can inspire their creativity and foster a deeper connection with the natural world.


Outdoor chalk art offers a multitude of benefits for children, ranging from creativity and imagination enhancement to motor skills development and physical activity. The murals crafted by my daughter, including the mosaic design, floating balloons, ladder to the moon, and umbrella and rainboots, exemplify the endless possibilities and captivating experiences awaiting children through outdoor chalk art. So go ahead, grab some chalk, step outside, and embark on a vibrant journey of creativity and growth!

Unleash Your Child's Imagination: A Sensory Play Calendar for Moms All Year Round

As a parent, you know that fostering creativity and imagination in your child is essential for their development. What better way to achieve this than through sensory play? To make it easier for moms like you to engage your little ones in imaginative sensory activities, we've created a Sensory Play Calendar that covers every week of the year. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and endless fun with your child.

Before you begin, and if you’re new to sensory play, I’d highly recommend checking out this Beginner’s Guide to Flisat Table Sensory Play.


We’ll kick the year off right by setting up our goals for the year, reflecting on the last year, and grounding ourselves in mindfulness practices. We’ll further our knowledge of the alphabet, build a grocery store, and create a travel agency!

New Year's Day:

Kick off the year off with the Happy New Year play setup. Use mirrors to discuss the importance of reflection and plan ahead for the goals your kiddo wants to accomplish for the year. Use the clock to discuss time and countdown on New Year’s Even.

  • Bin 1: Disco Mirror Balls

  • Bin 2: Mirrors & Reflection

  • Bin 3: Shiny Silver Tinsel

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Help your child develop mindfulness through sensory meditation. In this activity, we’ll use our Mindfulness Flashcards and our Affirmations Flashcards. We’ll complete each mindfulness activity, read and recite our affirmations, and create a calming sensory bin with zen garden sand.

  • Bin 1: Zen Garden

  • Bin 2: Foam Party

  • Bin 3: Calming Corner

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Practice upper and lowercase letters, letter recognition, letter sequencing and letter sounds. For more advanced learners, we’ll practice letter sequences (this is excellent prep for STAR Reading Assessments). We’ll create an alphabet sensory bin using resin letters and use our cards & letter mat to build letter sequences.

  • Activity 1: Letter Search & Alphabet Letter Noodles

  • Activity 2: Letter Clips & Match

  • Activity 3: Letter Cookie Word Building

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Grocery Store Dramatic Play setup for Flisat Table

Grocery Store:

Pretend play with common household chores, like grocery shopping, instills a great sense of responsibility and contribution. In this activity, we’ll venture to the grocery store, shop for regular household supplies, and use the cash register & pretend play money to check out.

  • Activity 1: Grocery Store Owner

  • Activity 2: Cooking a Meal

  • Activity 3: Cleaning up the shop

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Travel Agency Dramatic Play for preschoolers flisat table sensory play

Travel Agency:

We’ll wrap January with a fun adventure around the world. We’ll setup a Travel Agency where your little learner can pretend to help customers book their next trip. Then they can take the plane tickets and travel to Paris and London to see popular sights.

  • Activity 1: Wool ball continent color matching

  • Activity 2: Rubber band stretch & play

  • Activity 3: Travel agency shop owner dramatic play

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February is shaping up to be fabulous starting with a yummy Valentine’s Day Bakery. We’ll make a pit stop to learn about shapes and colors, then on to learning about the 50 states, and wrapping the month with Super Hero play.

Kids sensory play Valentine's Day Bakery

Valentine's Day:

In this activity, we’ll practice interactive skills while your little one gets to pretend to own their own bakery. At the bakery, they’ll get to take orders, serve customers, bake cookies, and take money or make change.

  • Activity 1: Heart-shaped cereal scooping

  • Activity 2: Bakery dramatic play with felt donuts & cookies

  • Activity 3: Sweetheart search and find with popcorn

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Colors & Shapes

In this activity, we’ll explore shapes and colors. We’ll use our Shapes & Colors memory game to practice matching shapes and colors. We’ll use our printable color wheels to spin for a color or shape and find the matching object in our sensory bin fill with colorful wooden shaped blocks.

  • Activity 1: Color matching with learning wheel

  • Activity 2: Color sorting with balls & cupcake cups

  • Activity 3: Color arranging by shades

  • Plus 4 bonus activity ideas!

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50 States:

Discover the USA through a printable United States map. Practice learning each of the 50 states and their capitols with a fun matching game. Cut out individual states and practice matching them to the map! We’ll use colorful wool/felt balls to practice color matching.

  • Activity 1: State Treasure Hunt

  • Activity 2: Capitals Match up

  • Activity 3: United States Puzzle

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Super Hero Play:

In this activity, we’ll put on super hero masks and fly around the city fighting crime with our super hero powers like invisibility and telekinesis. This dramatic play is not only fun, but a great way to practice concepts like crime and public service. We’ll use a colorful chickpea sensory filler to hide and uncover super powers.

  • Activity 1: Chickpea scoop and uncover super powers

  • Activity 2: Role play super hero missions

  • Activity 3: Pattern matching activity

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March is going to be the best yet! We’ll start by learning about time and clocks, dive into the backyard to inspect some bugs, make a leprechaun trap for St. Patty’s Day, build a construction site, and of course celebrate Easter with a mini egg hunt.


In this activity, we’ll practice learning how to tell time, use a timer, or read a clock. Learning the concept of time and sequencing is essential to toddler learning and this lesson will help kiddos conceptualize time.

  • Activity 1: Water, Sand, & Chia seeds Funnel

  • Activity 2: Learning cards clock matching

  • Activity 3: Timers & hourglasses

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Explore the world of insects with a sensory bug hunt in 3 fabulous sensory materials: Pluffle, Chickpeas, and a pretend play dirt. A great way to practice insect names and explore natural habitats of some of the smallest creatures.

  • Activity 1: Pinch bugs in grass

  • Activity 2: Bugs in dirt search and find

  • Activity 3: Bee alphabet, ladybug counting, & pattern worksheets

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St. Patty's Day:

Craft a sensory rainbow and pot of gold for St. Patrick's Day. This fun leprechaun trap setup includes a rainbow bridge, ladder, hat, pot of gold and rainbow and a foldable leprechaun cottage. Setup on the Flisat table along with sensory fillers like rainbow chickpeas and magnetic sand.

  • Activity 1: Leprechaun Trap

  • Activity 2: Color sorting Chickpeas (or cereal)

  • Activity 3: Learning money/coins

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Building, bulldozing, digging and excavating are great ways to explore sensory play materials like kinetic sand, play doh, rocks, and sensory play mud. This activity kit includes everything you need to create the perfect construction zone for your little one to enjoy.

  • Activity 1: Construction Water Play or Large Rocks

  • Activity 2: Taste Safe Construction with Cheerio Sand and Cocoa Dirt

  • Activity 3: Magnetic Sand & Chickpeas

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Easter is the perfect opportunity to celebrate spring flowers and baby animals. This printable activity kit includes everything you need to make a sensory bin egg-hunt. Paired with a green rock-grass bin full of bunnies and carrots is the perfect small world play setup.

  • Activity 1: Foam egg chutes w/ Fidget tubes

  • Activity 2: Small world bunny play

  • Activity 3: Miniature Easter egg hunt

  • Activity 4: Jello Easter Eggs

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Let’s celebrate spring with some amazing new activity setups. We’ll start with a trip to the post office, we’ll learn about the various lifecycles of animals and plants, travel to the farm to meet some chicks and cows, and wrap up with an Earth Day celebration.

Post Office

Head to the post office for this practical real world dramatic play. Take packages at the check out counter, sell boxes and stamps. Discuss the concept of the mail and post office and teach basic concepts of shipping and packaging.

  • Activity 1: Weighing & Measuring Boxes

  • Activity 2: Packing Boxes with Foam Balls

  • Activity 3: Stamping & Mailing Letters

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Animal Lifecycles:

Animal & plant lifecycles are a great way to explore how things grow and change over time. Using our circular lifecycle cards, we’ll use lifecycle of chicken, lifecycle of a flower, and lifecycle of a butterfly to explore how animals change over the course of time.

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Farm Animals

In this activity, we’ll explore the farm with sensory bins filled with toy farm animals, oatmeal and corn kernels. This activity kit comes with writing exercises, matching activities, along with a foldable barn and animals to play with.

  • Bin 1: Peas & Steel Cut Oatmeal Corn Field

  • Bin 2: Chocolate pudding & Rolled Oatmeal Pig Pen

  • Bin 3: Scooping & Feeding Corn Kernels

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Earth Day:

We’ll use Earth Day to practice sorting recyclable materials into their appropriate bins. We’ll discuss how the Earth is our precious home and we have to take care of it by using renewable energy, cleaning up trash, and using sustainable practices.

  • Activity 1: Trash Sorting

  • Activity 2: Ocean Clean Up

  • Activity 3: Land Form Identification

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There’s so much to celebrate in May from Cinco De Mayo to Mother’s Day and with spring in full season, it’s time for our senses to bloom.

Cinco de Mayo: (Coming SOON)

Celebrate with a sensory fiesta and build a taco truck play setup to learn Mexican cuisine. We’ll use black beans and rice as our sensory fillers for this fun play setup. You can even add chips for an extra tasty snack!

  • Activity 1: Building Tacos

  • Activity 2: Scooping Chips (taste safe)

  • Activity 3: Taco Stand

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Flower Garden:

For our Flower Garden & Flower Market activity, we’ll bring to life the beautiful colors and scents of the nature around us. We’ll use brown chickpeas as our sensory filler and scoop and fill pots with play dirt while we plant printable flowers. We’ll do a petal counting activity along with pretend seed packets, checkout counter, and more!

  • Activity 1: Scooping Cereal Dirt (Taste safe)

  • Activity 2: Planting and Watering Seedlings

  • Activity 3: Flower Petal Puzzle

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For this activity, we’ll use fruit scented doh, fruit cards and build a smoothie shop to learn mixing flavors and fruits. For a taste-safe alternative, you can use real fruits to mix and mash together!

  • Bin 1: Fill the cups

  • Bin 2: Mix fruit flavored playdohs

  • Bin 3: Counting fruit erasers/felt fruit

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For our weather station activity, we’ll be learning about weather patterns, temperature, and how weather changes during the seasons.

  • Bin 1: Weather Sensory Bottles

  • Bin 2: Cloud Shaped Packing Peanuts

  • Bin 3: Rainbow Playdoh

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I’m so excited for June because we’ll be playing with pets! We’ll do a sports sensory play setup to celebrate Father’s Day, and learn about the continents and forms of transportation. We’ll wrap up our June sensory play ideas with a fun little Farmer’s Market.


We’ll use our adoption clinic to explore the world of pets and pet care. We’ll use peanut butter cocoa puff balls cereal as our sensory filler to practice scooping and counting as we feed our pups out of their bone-shaped bowl.

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For this activity, we’ll enjoy a sensory sports day with textured balls and sports-themed play. We’ll use our sports flashcards and matching erasers to do a matching activity.

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For this activity, we’ll explore the world, all 7 continents, as well as passports for global travel.

  • Bin 1: Fruit Loops Bin Sorting (Taste safe)

  • Bin 2: Wool Ball Sorting & Matching

  • Bin 3: Colorful Rubber Bands Creative Play

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Farmer's Market:

We’ll set up a sensory farmer's market with felt play fruits and vegetables to sell. Complete with play money and signage, we’ll bring to life the world’s cutest little farmer’s market.

  • Bin 1: Silicone Fruits & Veggies

  • Bin 2: Pasta & Grains Bin

  • Bin 3: Cash Register & Play Money

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Summer is the perfect seasons for sensory play. We’ll celebrate Independence Day with a bbq cookout, build an ice cream truck, sip some cool summer coffee, visit our desert animal friends in the sweltering heat, and make a trek out to the safari to learn about some new animals.

4th of July:

In this activity we’ll have a pretend cook out, celebrate the stars & stripes of the American flag, and we’ll practice learning our 50 states on a map of the United States.

  • Bin 1: American Flag Fruit Bin (Taste safe)

  • Bin 2: Red, White, and Blue Sushi Rice

  • Bin 3: Pretend Play BBQ Setup

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Ice Cream Play:

In this activity, we’ll make a taste-safe ice cream sensory play doh. Each colored scoop will bring joy to tiny faces while we’re practice owning an ice cream shop and putting smiles on customer’s faces. We’ll use this opportunity to practice all kinds of flavors!

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Coffee Shop:

Create a world of coffee, tea, and pastries with this beautiful coffee shop cafe setup. We’ll practice social skills like greeting new customers as well as customer service, counting change and more!

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Desert Animals: (Coming soon)

Discover desert life with sensory sand and toy animals. We’ll create a small world desert animal play scene, learn new vocabulary words, a search and find matching activity and letter discovery.

  • Activity 1: Desert Animal Pattern Completion

  • Activity 2: Pasta Noodle Cactus Building

  • Activity 3: Kinetic sand hide & seek

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Safari Animals:

For this activity we’ll go on a safari adventure to learn about safari animals and their natural habitats. We’ll even make a pair of toilet paper roll binoculars!

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Let’s dive into summer with ocean themed sensory play that’ll have you wanting a trip to the beach! We’ll celebrate back to school season with a science lab setup, go camping, and dig for treasure.

Ocean Play:

For this activity, we’ll explore ocean life with a few sensory explorations. We’ll create a magnetic sand base coral reef to explore the ocean floor. We’ll create a jello-based ocean water to float our sensory fish in.

  • Activity 1: Kinetic Sand Beach & Blue Chickpeas

  • Activity 2: Painted Pasta Coral reef ocean floor

  • Activity 3: Swimming fish in water

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Science Lab:

We’ll bring to life the science laboratory with our science themed printable play setup. We’ll use the Lovevery Beaker set to practice pouring and mixing various colors to practice learning about primary and secondary colors.

  • Activity 1: Primary Color Mixing

  • Activity 2: Water, Baby Oil, & Alkaseltzer Lava Lamps

  • Activity 3: Pouring & Mixing with Bath Salts

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Camping Play:

We’ll use one of my all time favorite sensory fillers — S’mores Granola — to build a forrest floor for our woodland animals to go camping. We’ll use a camp site map, camper, badges, and s’mores to explore the great outdoors.

  • Activity 1: Build a Campfire

  • Activity 2: S’mores Granola search & find woodland animals (taste safe)

  • Activity 3: Pretend Camping w/ Lovevery Camper Van

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Sand Treasure:

For this activity, we’ll pretend to be pirates and go on a treasure hunt! We’ll use our resin gems and matching gem flashcards to go digging in our sensory play magnetic sand. We’ll do pattern practice matching each of the gems to the cards.

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Septemeber has some of my all time favorite sensory play setups. From the amazing space station to woodland animals and everything in between, your kiddos will have a blast as the seasons change from summer to fall.

Space Station:

In this activity, we’ll explore the cosmos with 3 different space-themed sensory play bins. With our dramatic play, we’ll create a space station, command control board, and windows into outer space. Then we’ll make a moon landing bin, a galaxy bin, and a galaxy sensory bottle.

  • Activity 1: Moon landing taste-safe icing playdoh

  • Activity 2: Black bean & glow in the dark stars night sky

  • Activity 3: Space-themed bath bomb color explosion

  • Activity 4: Planet play doh balls

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To celebrate the changing of the seasons, we’ll create a fall themed sensory bin with leaves, pine cones, pumpkins and other elements of nature. We’ll use granola sensory filler for taste safe sensory play!

Purchase Woodland Flashcards | See Activity Details

Doctor Play:

With our doctor play kit, we’ll encourage nurturing skills — pretending to be a doctor and taking care of patients in need. We’ll take X-Rays, apply bandages, fill out prescriptions cards and more!

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5 Senses:

Learning about the 5 senses is a great way to bring awareness to the body and senses. We’ll use our 5 senses learning cards to mix and match and practice opposites like “light” and “dark”. We’ll great 10 sensory jars to learn about opposites on the spectrum of our 5 senses.

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Pumpkin Patch:

Let’s explore the pumpkin patch! From hay rides on tractors to sunflower patches. From scarecrows and wagons to pumpkins and pie. We’ll use our pumpkin patch dramatic play to create a world of fall. We’ll build a scarecrow, pick sunflowers and measure pumpkins!

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The perfect way to kick off fall with vegetable, dinosaur, and fun Halloween-themed activities.

Vegetables: (Coming soon)

To celebrate the fall season, we’ll kick off with a celebration of vegetables. We’ll use our vegetable toy erasers and a play dirt sensory filler to plant some vegetables and use our flashcards to match and dig up vegetables.

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Dinosaur Dig:

Join us on a paleontology adventure with our dinosaur dig! We’ll use 3 different sensory play activities together to explore dinosaurs including fossils, bone digging site, and a ice dinosaur eggs.

  • Activity 1: Plaster Volcano and Dinosaur Pasta Filler

  • Activity 2: Salt Dough Fossils

  • Activity 3: Paleontologist Plaster Dig Site

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Potion Play:

In celebration of Halloween season, we’ll pretend to be witches making magical potions and brews. We’ll use our potion mixing play setup to make combinations of various Halloween ghouls.

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We’ll create spooky sensory Halloween decorations to build our haunted house and graveyard digging adventure with black & orange dyed quinoa.

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It’s time to give thanks for all we’ve been given this year and celebrate the fall harvest season.


Practice fun skills and textures with this Thanksgiving meal, glue the feathers to the turkey, and writing down what we’re thankful for.

  • Activity 1: Build a Turkey Dinner

  • Activity 2: Bake a pie

  • Activity 3: Add feathers (tissue paper) to a turkey

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Apple Orchard:

Learn all about apples with this apple picking, bobbing, leaf gluing, cider making activity. Pretend to own your own orchard and practice selling your goods.

  • Activity 1: Apple Seed Counting

  • Activity 2: Candy Apple Making (Taste safe)

  • Activity 3: Apple Pie Building

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ASL Alphabet: (Coming soon)

Practice speaking with your hands learning the American Sign Language Alphabet. In this activity kit, kiddos will learn to spell their names, sign the ABCs, and use basic signs like “More” and “Thank You”.

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Occupations: (COMING SOON)

This week we’ll be exploring careers of all kinds through our Occupations flashcards. We’ll leverage books and other tools to explore the world of possibilities.

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With the winter season upon us, it’s the perfect time to stay indoors and cuddle up with some cozy sensory play. Nothing could be more fun that celebrating the cold weather in the polar arctic in stark contrast with the cozy warm hot chocolate by the fire and baking in the oven.

Christmas Tree

Decorate a Christmas Tree, build a snowman, feed the reindeer and hang stockings over the fireplace with this fun play setup.

  • Bin 1: Hot cocoa

  • Bin 2: Build-a-snowman

  • Bin 3: Peppermint crush

Plus more great activities like feed the reindeer, decorate the Christmas tree, hang the stockings, and play gingerbread house.

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Polar Animals:

Learn about the arctic with sensory ice and polar animal figures. As we hop from bin to bin, we’ll enjoy blue pluffle and teal chickpeas, practicing scooping and playing in different textures.

  • Activity 1: Snowflake Ice Cube Tray with Bath Toys

  • Activity 2: Blue Pluffle and Snowflake Dig

  • Activity 3: Acrylic Polar Animal Charms and Teal Chickpeas

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Hot Cocoa:

Make hot chocolate set up with edible cocoa puff cereal perfect for scooping and pouring. Practice counting with marshmallow and sprinkle toppings.

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Ice Skating:

This winter holiday inspired Ice Skating Rink will be a playful way to celebrate the season and wrap up our year of sensory play. Filled with wooden snow flakes, arctic animals, and colorful chickpeas, this setup is sure to delight the senses.

  • Activity 1: Frozen snowflake ice skating (taste safe)

  • Activity 2: Shredded coconut snow search and find (taste safe)

  • Activity 3: Fake snow scooping and molding bin

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Even more year round play activities


  • Alphabet: Use Letters flashcards and a bin of resin letters or a magnetic letter board to match the letters.

  • Letter Sounds: Use Letter Sounds flashcards and felt letters to practice the sounds each letter makes.

  • 5 Senses: Create jars of foods and objects that invigorate the senses and practice smell, taste, sound, sight and touch.

  • Sight Words: Practice common words, phonics, and basic short sentences for pre-reading fun.

  • Color Matching: Use color cards and a bin of different colored objects and toys and practice matching and sorting.

  • Counting: Pair counting cards with wool balls to gather the number of balls in one bin to match the number on the card.

  • Pattern Matching: Using a 12 frame or color ball insert, build the patterns from each of the cards.

  • Addition & Subtraction: Practice basic addition and subtraction with 10 math problems

Anytime Play TOPICS:

  • Sign Language: Choose the cards for each letter in the child’s name and practice building the signs for each letter.

  • Emotions: Learn to identify emotions and build calming habits around big feelings

  • Rhyming Words: Practice word sounds and rhyming

  • Routines: Learn about healthy morning and evening routines and self care

  • Chores: Practice contributing to the household with toddler friendly chores

  • Shapes: Learn basic and advanced shapes

  • Money: Practice identifying coins and bills and adding multiple coin types together

  • Tangrams: Stretch your brain by building images with tangram shapes

Promote communication, emotional intelligence, and life skills through sensory experiences.

With our Sensory Play Calendar, you can provide your child with a year full of enriching, imaginative, and educational sensory experiences. Each activity is carefully designed to engage their senses and inspire creativity. To get started, explore our sensory play products at and let the sensory adventures begin! Happy playing, moms!

Printing Recommendations

If you’ve decided to purchase the download and print kit, here are a few recommendations on how to make the most of your printables.

  1. Print on 80lb cardstock: I recommend printing on a thicker card stock paper for durability. If you have a printer at home you can purchase 80lb cardstock on Amazon. If you’re printing at a store I recommend FedEx Kinkos.

  2. Print on regular paper and laminate: If you don’t want to print on cardstock, laminating regular paper is a great alternative and keeps your prints water proof in case there are spills. You can get a laminator from Amazon and lamination sheets like these.

  3. Print Flashcards 2 per page: When printing flashcards I recommend changing your printer setting to 2 per page so that they’re a reasonable size. You can laminate these as well or use cardstock for durability.

  4. Tools on hand: if you’re doing all of the setups, it can take time to do the cutouts. If you have a Cricut you can use the print & cut feature. If you’re doing it by hand I recommend having a paper cutter like this on hand and a corner rounder. You’ll also need a hole punch for the banner. And if you want to create the pennant flags, having wooden dowels and ribbon on hand is a must!

  5. Awning setup: To create the look of the awning, simply fold the paper 1 inch from the straight end. Fold the rounded edge near where the rounds meet. Then use packing tape to secure the straight edge over the back of the pegboard.

  6. Securing things: I use packing tape to secure most decorative elements to the pegboard. It’s also helpful to have on hand a roll of regular tape. I also like to use the IKEA phot frame stand for open/closed signs.

FILLER Recommendations & Shopping List

Here’s the complete list of all of the sensory fillers you might want to have on hand and many of the alternatives available to swap for taste safe options. Keep in mind that I did 3 bins each week to demonstrate multiple options, but you can choose 1 or 2 or just play with the decor!

  • January Shopping List

    • Week 1: Disco balls, mirrors, shiny tinsel (taste safe alternative: sprinkles)

    • Week 2: Play foam, sand, oil/water/sensory bottles (taste safe alternatives: tapioca balls, chia seeds, salt)

    • Week 3: Resin/wool letters, letter clips, letter cookies (taste safe alternatives: pasta letters)

    • Week 4: Felt play food, playdoh, rags/spray bottle (taste safe alternative: real cereal, fruits, veggies, juice box)

    • Week 5: Wool balls, rubber bands (taste safe alternative: fruit loops)

  • February Shopping List

    • Week 6: Heart cereal, felt bakery food, sweethearts candy (taste safe alternative: popcorn)

    • Week 7: Color balls/blocks, silicone cupcake wrappers (taste safe alternative: rainbow cereal)

    • Week 8: Wool balls (taste safe alternative: rainbow cereal)

    • Week 9: Colored chickpeas (taste safe alternative: food colored oatmeal)

  • March Shopping List

    • Week 10: Funnel, play sand, water, chia seeds (taste safe alternative: blended cheerio sand)

    • Week 11: Crushed oreo dirt, green pluffle, green chickpeas (taste safe alternative: dried green peas)

    • Week 12: Kinetic sand, rainbow colored chickpeas (taste safe alternative: lucky charms cereal)

    • Week 13: Kinetic sand, rocks/gravel, nuts & bolts erasers (taste safe alternatives: cheerios, chex mix, icing playdoh)

    • Week 14: Green vase filler, foam eggs, coffee beans (taste safe alternatives: dried green peas, malted egg candy, cocoa puffs cereal)

Arctic animal winter play uNder $30 from amazon

As the winter season approaches, there's nothing quite like the magic of snowy adventures, even if you're indoors. Transforming your playtime into a winter wonderland can be both fun and educational, and Amazon offers a treasure trove of products to help you achieve just that. In this blog post, we'll explore four fantastic products that can elevate your winter sensory play experience, whether you're a parent looking to entertain your kids or an educator aiming to make learning more engaging. Plus, stick around until the end for a special soft sell!

1. Fake Snow:

Nothing says winter like a blanket of snow, and with fake snow products readily available on Amazon, you can bring this wintry magic indoors. These non-toxic, mess-free powders can be rehydrated to create fluffy, white snow, providing hours of tactile enjoyment. It's the perfect base for your winter sensory play.

2. Snowflakes:

What's a snowy scene without delicate snowflakes falling from the sky? Amazon offers various packs of snowflake decorations that can be used for sensory play or as part of your winter-themed decor. These intricately designed flakes can add a touch of elegance to your playtime or learning space.

3. Blue Gems:

For a touch of icy brilliance, consider adding blue gems to your sensory play kit. These sparkling gems resemble frozen ice crystals and can be used in imaginative play, sensory bins, or even as part of an educational activity to teach kids about shapes and colors.

4. Arctic Animals:

No winter sensory play experience is complete without the inclusion of arctic animals. Amazon offers a wide range of miniature arctic creatures, from polar bears to penguins and seals. These figurines are not only adorable but also provide an excellent opportunity to learn about animal habitats and adaptations.

Arctic Animal Flashcards and Memory Game Cards

To enhance the educational aspect of your winter sensory play, consider complementing your kit with our Arctic Animal Flashcards and Memory Game Cards. These beautifully illustrated cards feature the same adorable creatures found in your sensory play kit. They are designed to engage young learners, helping them develop essential skills such as memory retention, vocabulary, and animal recognition. By incorporating these cards into your playtime or lessons, you can make learning about arctic animals a breeze.

With the right products, winter sensory play can be both entertaining and educational. Amazon offers a plethora of options to help you create your winter wonderland, from fake snow to arctic animals. Don't forget to check out our Arctic Animal Flashcards and Memory Game Cards to elevate your winter sensory play to the next level. Embrace the magic of winter indoors, and let your imagination soar as you explore the snowy world of sensory play.