Desert Animals Practice

Today we spent our morning with our Desert Animals Flashcard set from GoodnightFox. It was so much fun teaching Sofie about some animals that she doesn’t see regularly in her books or outside. She’s great at starting to mimic the sounds I make for each animal name. And she’s getting close to being able to recognize some of them as well. These flashcards are such a great little educational activity to pass the time, especially while I’m cooking or cleaning up around the house.


Check out these Desert Animal Flashcards!

Head on over to the shop to snag a set of these Desert Animal Flashcards for yourself!

Taste Safe Rainbow Finger Paints

I finally found an amazing “recipe” for taste safe fingerprints. Sofie still points everything in her mouth, as I’m sure many one year olds do. So it’s no surprise that I’m constantly on the lookout for taste safe activities that can keep this busy toddler occupied for more than five minutes. She loves sensory activities so even though I knew this one would be messy, I figured I’d give it a go!

  • Yogurt

  • Food coloring


This one is so simple to make because all you need is a big tub of yogurt and some food coloring and voila you have a fun little activity! I will say I was skeptical about how yogurt would really paint on but her paper. And to be honest, I probably would have done it differently had I known.


Here’s the yogurt being colored! Super simple and just one drop of coloring really turned it bright pink!


I wanted Sofie to be able to paint a little rainbow so I made these edible paints in rainbow colors. I made each one in the same tub to avoid doing dishes and just washed it as I went. Then I poured them into these plastic jars that I got at Michael’s for under a dollar!


It was so much fun to make these rainbow colored paints that I almost didn’t want to let Sofie make a mess of them. But I went ahead and put some butcher paper down on the kitchen floor and taped it down with painters tape. In hindsight, I wish I had done it two layers thick because the yogurt was quite liquidy and it did deep through the paper. It was still pretty easy to clean up though.


I put the paints up on her high chair for safe keeping while I got everything ready. But that didn’t last long — she was reaching for them as soon as she saw them. I stripped her down to her diaper so as not to get her clothes messy. Then I opened up one jar at a time and let her have at! Here’s the result:


Looking for more great activities for learning colors?

Check out Color Flashcards and use code FRIENDS15 to save!

Quarantine Valentines Activity for kids

For Valentines this year, kids aren’t at school or day care and can’t bring sweets to share. And without seeing family, it’s so hard for Sofie to connect with family and friends. So this year we decided to do some coloring postcards to send out to family and close friends. It was so much fun to color these. It was Sofie’s first experience coloring and she’s clearly still learning. But she loves holding the crayons and trying to eat them hahaha!


So if you’re looking for a great Valentines activity I highly recommend checking these out! They even come with stamps so you don’t have to go out and get any supplies. Friends and family will love the hand drawn effect. And if your kids are a bit older, their friends will love connecting through snail mail.

Looking for a great Valentine’s Day quarantine activity?

Check out these adorable Valentine’s Coloring Postcards to send to friends and family and use code FRIENDS15 to save!